“ How did you come out this year, financially?” “ I barely made both ends meet. ”; “你今年的经济情况如何?”“勉强收支平衡。”
By good fortune our products that came out last year when oil spiked were all real fuel-efficient models. 值得庆幸的是,去年油价暴涨时,我们推出的产品都是真正的节能型汽车。
The crunchies are awards given out each year by techcrunch and other tech blogs to the companies they cover. 科技博客TechCrunch以及其它一些博客每年都会给几家科技公司颁发这类奖项。
One theme in particular that stands out this year is the coming food and water crisis in China. 其中有一个主题尤为引人注意,即中国可能面临的粮食与水资源危机。
And indeed for economic purposes, we want savings rates to be kept up to encourage savings because it is the savings money that can be lent out next year. 确实,出于经济目的,我们希望通过保持较高的储蓄利率来鼓励储蓄,因为到来年,银行要用这些存款来发放贷款。
The price of panels, which had been in free fall, levelled out last year, but that was a global phenomenon caused by the loss of some Chinese capacity and increased demand in China and Japan. 此前价格直线下落的太阳能电池板去年企稳,但这是一个全球现象,原因是中国失去一些产能,以及中国和日本需求增加。
The remarkable growth of US oil production, which brought more than 1m barrels a day of additional supply on to world markets in each of the past three years, seems likely to flatten out this year. 美国石油产量的显著增长今年似乎有可能停滞&在过去3年的每一年里,美国向世界市场提供了逾100万桶/日的额外供应。
With two big projects out this year, The Dark Knight Rises and Les Miserables, Hathaway is Hollywood's golden girl. 随着今年由海瑟薇主演的两部大制作&《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》和《悲惨世界》的上映,她俨然已经成为好莱坞的黄金女郎。
Remember how China and Google had it out last year over filtered search results. 还记得去年中国搜索引擎和谷歌比拼过滤搜索结果的事吗。
The first Note launched in October 2011 and an update came out a year later. 第一款Note于2011年10月发布,一年之后三星推出了升级版。
According to French interior ministry officials, around ten posthumous marriages are carried out each year in France. 法国内政部官员表示,在法国每年都会有十起左右的“追授婚姻”。
The tests are identical to those carried out last year. 这些考试和去年举行的相同。
You started out this year with a crappy attitude. 你们今年一开始的态度就很消极。
Alfa Bank, Russia's number two privately owned bank, warned last week that its overdue loans were nearing 10 per cent and provisions might wipe out this year's profits; its president has said sector-wide NPLs could reach 20 per cent. 俄罗斯第二大私有银行阿尔法银行(AlfaBank)上周警告,其逾期贷款已接近10%,相关拨备可能使今年的利润荡然无存;该行总裁曾说过,全行业的不良贷款率可能高达20%。
Our exports have topped out last year&$ 80000000. 去年我们的出口贸易达到顶点&8000万美元。
The GDP figure used with the original estimate put out last year was based on the old GDP series. 去年原来预算所使用的本地生产总值数字,是以旧本地生产总值数列为根据。
We really splashed out this year. 我们今年花钱真的大手大脚。
Oh, and one more thing* The house we wanted out last year is back on the market. 去年我们要卖的那套房子,今年又跌价了。
We won't be adding any more shows this year, but we promise there will be a lot of touring in2011 and beyond and also our new album will be coming out next year, as well. 我们不会增加任何更多的节目,但是我们许诺今年将会有很多的旅游在2011年,超出我们的新专辑,也将在明年出来,等。
"The Dark Knight," the latest of six Batman films, came out this year. 黑暗骑士是六部蝙蝠侠电影的最后一部,今年发行。
I figured since mouth helped you out last year. 我想大嘴去年帮了你。
I had edited the content and printed it out the year before. 我在年前就已经编辑好了这一课的学习内容并且把它们打印出来了。
The fans deserve it given the amount of miles they've covered and the number of away ends they've packed out this year. 球迷们应该得到它提供的金额和覆盖距离他们已经走了数完,他们已经挤满了这一年。
My buddy John and I stood in a line that wrapped all the way around the Castro theatre as volunteers passed out Year of the Yao buttons and postcards. 我的朋友John和我一起围着卡斯特罗剧院排队,好多志愿者递出来关于《姚明年》的明信片。(谁能告诉我这里的button是指什么东西?)
Which is supposed to be one of the best movies out this year. 也许是今年最被期待的一部大片。
Hundreds of Bollywood films come out every year. For me, only four or five are worth seeing. 宝莱坞每年制作数百部影片,我认为其中只有四五部值得一看。
Joe beat out last year's champion in the100-meter sprint by one second. 乔在百米短跑赛中以一秒之差打败去年冠军。
She get a scholarship to Cambridge but drop out a year later. 她得到了剑桥大学的奖学金,但一年以后就退学了。
Imagine the following scenario playing out next year. 设想一下明年可能出现的情景。
This year's losses have wiped out last year's profits. 今年的损失已抵消了去年的利润。